How to Improve Adaptability Skills
To overcome challenges big and small, you need adaptability skills. Whether it's in the workplace or outside of it, learning how to adapt can help you thrive.
Do Less: A Short Guide
Many of us work in an endless stream of tasks, browser tasks, social media, emails, meetings, rushing from one thing to another, never pausing and never ending. What if we did less instead?
Strawberry Banana Smoothie
This refreshing strawberry banana smoothie recipe is the perfect healthy breakfast! It's lightly sweet, a little creamy, and totally satisfying.
New Year, New Moments, New Beginnings
Everyday has possibility for change and growth. Every day is a new start, or can be. Each moment is also a new beginning. Remind yourself of this each day, not just at New Year.
How to Make the Most of the Fresh Start of a New Year
Every year, January brings renewed optimism for change, for a better life, for a better you. And that’s a wonderful thing. It allows us to reinvigorate ourselves, to shed the baggage of the previous year and do anything. Anything is possible!
10 Ways to Survive the Holidays
The holiday season is a stressful time for so many reasons: your crazy relatives, sleeping in your old bedroom again, all the food…you know what I mean. The key to surviving the holidays – nay I say, thriving through the holidays -- is to be like a Boy/Girl Scout – always prepared!
Finding Joy in the Simple Moments
The sacred is all around us when we take the time to pause and notice. When we meet the simple moment with wholehearted attention we find this truth.
Lola Berry serves up a nutritious Broccolini rainbow bowl recipe
Did you know that half a cup of cooked Broccolini provides about a third of your recommended daily amount of immunity-boosting folate? Or that every standard-sized bunch of Broccolini accounts for two and a half of your five recommended daily servings of veggies?
Celebrating Summer Solstice – Simple Rituals For Midsummer Magic
The summer solstice, a time of warmth, celebration, and ripe abundance, invites us to pause and honour the sun at her peak, enjoy the earth’s generous bounty, and lean into the big, beautiful magic of the natural world.
It’s Summer - Do Pilates Outside!
Summer is a great time to add the outdoors into your workout routine. The warmer weather is the perfect time to take your Pilates routine, or something new, outside.
How Yoga Helps You Build Trust
What in the world does yoga have to do with trust?! It is an interesting result of our practice when we find that our self-trust grows as a result of time spent on the mat.
How to Start a Self-Care Routine You’ll Follow
Self-care means really listening to your body, taking moments to check in, intentionally tuning in to the thoughts going on in your mind, and challenging your behaviors and belief systems if things feel out of alignment in your life.
Does Pilates Improve Mental Health?
We all know that exercise is beneficial for our physical well-being, but did you know that it can also have a profound impact on our mental health? In this article, we’ll discuss the role of exercise in mental health, the specific benefits of Pilates, and how to incorporate Pilates into a holistic mental health plan. Let’s dive in!
The Mental Health Benefits Of Regular Pilates
In the hustle and bustle of modern living, the importance of maintaining good mental health has never been more paramount. While many are aware of the physical benefits of exercise, not everyone recognizes the profound mental health advantages – and with World mental Health Day on 10 October – we thought it was the perfect time to start the conversation.
Yoga for Anxiety: 11 Poses to Try
Yoga can help you reduce feelings of stress and anxiety by connecting with your mind, body, and environment. Through certain poses and breathing techniques, you can learn how to control negative thoughts at your own pace.
What The Spring Equinox Means For Your Wellbeing
As winter fades and the days grow longer, the arrival of the spring equinox marks a moment of perfect balance between day and night. It's not just a celestial event but an invitation to renew your connection with nature and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
Yoga and Pilates: A Powerful Combination
Yoga and Pilates together create a powerful blend of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. While yoga enhances your flow and stretches, Pilates builds core stability. This combination not only elevates your physical fitness but also deepens mental clarity and breath control. Ready to experience this synergy? Try our Unlimited Intro Pass at Soulful Fitness!
Pilates Changed My Life
After a serious injury that would have her shelve her favourite workout for at least a year, avid runner Faye James fell into a deep depression. But then she discovered Pilates, and her life changed.
Find your peace.
It is a really essential component in life to find one’s peace. To really discover the connection back to self, the universe and to be vibrating at a high level, back to your natural state. This vibration is so high that the body can heal, the mind can heal and the soul can heal. Past physical and emotional trauma stored in the muscles, cells and memory has time to be released and the healing process started.