Relaxing with red wine and yoga

If you have been wondering if you should give up alcohol whilst taking on your new health kick, you need not to. Unless you are on a complete clean eating or detox program a glass of red wine can compliment your yoga and Pilates program. If you find it hard to stop after one glass, then try and drink 2 glasses of water in between each glass of wine. You will be full just after a couple of glasses making it easy to control your alcohol consumption without banning yourself altogether.

Red wine has been aligned with reducing cancer, heart disease and stroke which are all amazing benefits. For those people in the daily grind a glass of red wine contains a chemical called melatonin which is found in the skin of the grape. Generally alcohol is a relaxant initially and then a stimulant however melatonin red wine is a totally different chemical enabling the body to rest more and sleep better if consumed after the sun goes down. Melatonin also consumes harmful free radicals and is a powerful anti-oxidant.

For those of you on a weight loss program, a glass of red wine has around 3-8gms carbs per class of wine so keep it to one glass or even try a lavender or chamomile tea instead which has no calories or carbs.

The real key to getting a good night sleep is to be relaxed and peaceful. What is more perfect after work than attending a yoga class to stretch your muscles, flowing into the exercises, holding your own weight strengthening your entire body, releasing your energy, getting into the rhythm of your breath, feeling the air feeding into your muscles and body and spending the last 10 minutes of the class having some mindful meditation? Two hours a week is all we ask for you to spend some time on yourself, your breath, getting to know your muscles and body, strengthening your mind ready to have a restful night’s sleep to take on the next day with an abundant energy.


Find your peace.


Delicious crunchy prawn salad